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Coconut palms, while resilient and hardy, are susceptible to various pests and diseases that can impact their growth and productivity. Here is a set of coconut pests and diseases must you aware.

List of Pests & Diseases

African Rhinoceros Beetle
African Rhinoceros Beetle

African rhinoceros beetle belongs to the genus Oryctes and mainly… more

Coconut Budrot
Coconut Budrot

Reported as major problem in many countries in South East… more

South American Palm Weevil
South American Palm Weevil

Rhynchophorus palmarum, the South American Palm Weevil is reported to… more

Lethal Yellowing
Lethal Yellowing

Phytoplasmas are associated with many serious diseases of coconut including… more

Lethal Bole Rot
Lethal Bole Rot
The fungus, Marasmiellus cocophilus causes basal stem break and lethal… more
Red Palm Mite
Red Palm Mite
Raoiella indica is reported in many of the countries in… more
Coconut Hispine Beetle
Coconut Hispine Beetle

Brontispa longissima is one of the most serious coconut pests in… more

Cadang cadang disease
Cadang cadang disease
Coconut cadang-cadang disease is caused by a viroid. The name,… more
Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle
Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle
Oryctes rhinoceros is endemic to the coconut-growing regions of South… more
Asiatic palm weevil
Asiatic palm weevil
Rhynchophorus vulneratus is native to Southeast Asia and was originally… more
African palm weevil
African palm weevil
R. phoenicis occurs on a range of wild and cultivated… more
Coconut case caterpillar
Coconut case caterpillar
Mahasena corbetti, the coconut case caterpillar, is a polyphagous species… more
Melanesian rhinoceros beetle or rhinoceros beetle
Melanesian rhinoceros beetle or rhinoceros beetle
The main hosts of this beetle are coconut, oil palm… more
Coconut scale
Coconut scale
The coconut scale is a common pest of coconut and… more
Red palm weevil
Red palm weevil
The red palm weevil, also known as the Asian palm… more
Coconut leafminer
Coconut leafminer
The leafminer, Promecotheca cumingii is considered a minor or occasional… more
Coconut mite
Coconut mite
The coconut mite, Aceria guerreronis Keifer, is considered an important… more
Coconut treehopper
Coconut treehopper
Sexava nubila, and a number of long-horned grasshoppers which belongs… more
Bogia Coconut Syndrome
Bogia Coconut Syndrome

Bogia Coconut Syndrome (BSC) was reported in the Bogia district… more